Sunday, October 10, 2021

Launch Day?


Image from Instagram

Madeline Fretz - Along with Facebook and old YouTube videos, Instagram is one of my go-tos for rare Sprout content from more than five years ago. A few days ago and yesterday, I was surfing through old Sprout photos on people's Instagram accounts (presumably to upload them to PBS Kids Sprout TV Wiki, which I'm an admin on), and stumbled across this interesting picture from funkbunny77 (Sprout's Laura Kelly).

The picture was from September 27, 2012, and the caption reads "seven years ago yesterday," which makes it obviously from September 26, 2005, Sprout's cable channel launch day. Could this the control room from Sprout's launch day? We don't know. You better ask or contact Laura. If I ever find out, I'll upload it to the wiki for all to see. Peace out!

Image from Instagram

Speaking of Sprout's launch, I also found this picture from the same account, which is OBVIOUSLY from a launch party The Good Night Show's Melanie Martinez was present at.

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