Madeline Fretz - Barney & Friends was a show based on a series of videos that aired on PBS from 1992 to 2009. The show featured a group of kid actors coming to visit a schoolhouse run by a purple dinosaur and his dino friends Baby Bop, BJ, and Riff to solve a problem or learn something new. The show has been largely hated, even inspiring a Bashing club in the 90s. The show is notable for launching the careers of Disney Channel's Selena Gomez (Gianna) and Demi Lovato (Angela), which should go on any "Celebrities who were on kids shows before they were famous" list. The show aired on Sprout from September 26, 2005 to 2015, as HiT Entertainment was one of the channel's founders.
Sprout described the series as:
Purple, fun-loving and happy, Barney is not your typical dinosaur. He's a huggable, lovable 200 million-year-old Tyrannosaurus Rex. Barney, and his DINO-mite friends BJ and Baby Bop, help parents give their children the range of skills they need to grow, and always do it with lots of fun, music and laughs.
Barney has had many appearances on The Sunny Side Up Show to begin with. He first appeared in 2007 for Thanksgiving with Nina. He also appeared with Sean in the St. Valentine's Day blockisode from 2009, Dinosaurs Week with Kelly in 2010, Valentine's Day 2011 (again), and Thanksgiving Week with Liz and Chica. Riff also appeared once.
That Purple Wonder also had a Sprout Diner recipe; Barney's Purple Hummus Dip.
Barney's Holiday Movie and Barney's Christmas Star have also been on Sprout in 2010 and 2011 for "Elmo's Movie Merry-thon." A reboot was supposed to happen once 9 Story Media Group acquired the show, but was unfinished.
The show left Sprout for the rebrand, however, it returned to Universal Kids in December 2018.
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